Meet the Founders

Phil Kilcoin

Phil is a healthcare and high-tech business executive who has now dedicated himself to Aging Energized.

Cindy Easton

Cindy is a business owner providing communications services in the healthcare and technology sectors. She is now devoted to helping others navigate growing older with Aging Energized.

We ran into the problem and stepped in to fix it

Understanding Medicare, Social Security, and many other things related to aging is complex and  confusing. We knew we could build and offer online courses and other resources to save YOU time and money as you navigate this new territory.

Aging successfully is a challenge we all face. Because both of us, Cindy and Phil, have entered this phase of our life, we started Aging Energized to offer tools, suggestions, community, and a trusted advisor to help make the journey more enjoyable and successful.

Trusted Advisor

At Aging Energized, our goal is to be the Trusted Advisor and Trusted Authority for aging successfully.

When you start navigating Social Security, Medicare, assisted living, memory care, and the myriad of other topics related to aging successfully, you soon find out that while there is a lot of information out there, very little is organized in a clear and concise manner so it can be of real help. We pull all that information together and make it easy to find and easy to understand.

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